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Eight alternatives to a gym membership on a student budget


With so many expenses such as rent, books, food and travel as a student, pleasures such as the gym can seem like an unattainable luxury on a student budget.  But who says you have to spend a lot of money to stay trim at university? If you’re looking for ways to stay fit without signing up for a gym membership, then you’ll want to read these alternatives that could save you money.

Sport societies

Joining a sports society is a great way to keep fit with your friends. Societies are cheap or free to join and they’re regular. So if you’re committed, you’re bound to see a difference in regards to your health.

YouTube workout videos

There are hundreds of thousands of different work out videos on YouTube that you can use in your bedroom, in a park or anywhere with enough open space to move about. You’ll find a variety of workouts to achieve the results you want and have the flexibility to work out when you want.

Walking to university while carrying heavy books

You’ll be surprised at how much weight you can lose carrying half your body weight to university on a 15-20 minute walk.  Toned legs are also an advantage of walking long distances carrying weights.


If you’re lucky enough to live in a city with hills, walking up and down them will do wonders for your body. You should start to notice results almost immediately, particularly in your calves, thighs and quads.


Like hills, stairs are great for strengthening your leg muscles. They are also helpful if you want to build muscles and burn calories quickly. Find some steps in your city centre to run up and down and you’ll soon see the results.

Dancing burns calories

Dancing is a fun and easy way to get your heart rate up, lose some extra body fat, and build muscle. Depending on the type of dancing you are doing, you could burn up to 500 calories an hour. So if you’re always on the dance floor, you’re on your way to a fitter, leaner body.

Make use of free trials and guest passes

There are loads of gyms giving out free trials, especially for students. Take advantage of these as a nice little treat. Also, if any of your friends have gym memberships, ask them if they have any guest passes.A lot of gyms give these to their members every month.

Tidying your house

It’s not the most exciting activity, but all the twisting, turning, bending down and picking up will tone, stretch and condition your body and all for free.

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